Jerry Lewis, You Are The Man

I know that Jerry Lewis has his flaws, but he deserves to be saluted as a national hero for the work that he has done over the last 45 years with the Muscular Dystrophy Telethon, which has raised $2.45 billion. Some people criticize the telethon as being schmaltzy and manipulative. However, while many celebrities spend their time on parties, drugs, and vacation, Lewis has dedicated much of his life to help people who really need it. The telethon starts tonight and Lewis is still going strong at age 84 despite some health setbacks over the last few years.  So don’t be distracted by his recent quote that he would smack Lindsay Lohan; focus on the great work that he has done over the years for MDA. Are you a fan of Jerry Lewis and the Telethon? Please comment below.

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2 Responses to Jerry Lewis, You Are The Man

  1. Jackson Kapp says:

    No I am not a fan of the telethon. Are you surprised? There has always a sleaze/creep factor in effect with Jerry Lewis. I actually think he hates to be around kids. Yes, he has dedicated enormous amounts of time and energy to this, but I just don’t like him or his comedy movies, even though I recognize his talent. He was actually very good in one of his few serious roles in a film called “the King of Comedy” where he is kidnapped by a demented Robert DeNiro.

    I like the Getty Image photo in your blog though. Big fan of quality photography.

  2. I’m ashamed to admit that I don’t know who this is. But hey, I’m only 28.

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